Accepting new clients! In-person therapy in central Ottawa, virtual therapy across Ontario. Book Now


We provide virtual & in-person psychotherapy services for individuals 18+ who reside in Ottawa and across Ontario.

What are the primary
goals of therapy?

  • address various psychological and emotional challenges,
  • improve your mental health
    (and social, spiritual, emotional, etc.)
  • enhance your overall quality of life

How can we do this?

Together! By:

  • slowing things down
  • connecting with your inner voice and knowledge of yourself,
  • increasing self-compassion and insight into how your thoughts, behaviours and emotions interact,
  • taking intentional steps forward to process past experiences & heal core wounds,
  • building new strategies and skills that will help you step into healing, growth and new ways of being.

If being hard on yourself worked, it would have worked by now. Why don’t we see what happens when you give your system a chance to be truly seen, with compassion and care, for all the ways it has worked to protect you?

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”

– C.S. Lewis

Below are some of the challenges and topics that I often work with. If you have a concern that is not listed, please feel free to reach out, as I am always happy to listen!




Stress & burnout


emotional Dysregulation


Life Transitions

PERINATAL (pregnancy, postpartum & parenting)

relationship difficulties

Inner Child Work

parts work



Ready to jump in with an initial session, or have some questions you’d like to get answered first in a free 20-minute consultation call? You will be given the option to choose a time that works best for you.

“Be gentle with the way you’re learning to hold your own heart”

– butterflies rising