Welcome, beautiful soul
Breathe in. Breathe out. You are in the right place.
Do you often feel…
… stuck in patterns of thoughts, behaviours or emotions that don’t feel good anymore, but you are unsure how to break free and move forward
… a deep sense of unworthiness, shame, or fear of failure
… like it’s easier to offer care and compassion to others, but a struggle to be kind to yourself
… intense emotional reactions that are overwhelming & confusing, unsure of where they came from or why they are so strong
… caught up in memories of trauma or difficult life experiences, leaving you searching for a way back to yourself
If any of these sound familiar, know you’re not alone.
You are worthy of a life that is more than just pushing through the pain, getting knocked down by waves that seem relentless, or always putting aside your own needs for those of others.
Within you there is an innate capacity for resilience, growth and transformation.
With support, you can access the tools to feel grounded in & empowered by your strengths, work towards your goals, and create a life that feels meaningful to your unique soul.
no matter what you have gone through,
you are worth so much more than just surviving
Reach out for your FREE 20-minute consultation call now!
Hi, I’m Gabrielle!
I’m grateful that you’ve found your way here. My passion is in helping those who feel like they’ve been stuck in “survival mode” for as long as they can remember, truly come home to themselves again. Together, we will find ways for you to intentionally slow down, connect with your body & emotions, increase confidence and self-compassion, and transform your life from the inside out. Even if you might struggle to believe it sometimes, you are so worth it.
What is “belle âme”?
pronounced bell-ahm, our name comes from a lovely French phrase meaning:
“beautiful soul”
Here at Belle Âme Psychotherapy, our philosophy is to provide a compassionate space for all parts of you to show up with authenticity, and to be met with empathy and understanding for all the ways they have worked to protect you.
You deserve to be truly seen and heard for both who you are and who you want to be. We strive to always hold the truth of your soul’s inner beauty, even when it might feel difficult to see for yourself.
Our greatest hope is that with time and self-compassion, you can step into a new way of being, and come to embody this beauty in all parts of your life.
Compassionate, authentic therapy, designed to help you
find your light again
“Courage starts with showing up
and letting ourselves be seen”– Brené Brown
A Reflection…
Did being called a beautiful soul feel a bit… uncomfy?
That is so, so normal! It’s also worth exploring.
Often, hearing statements like this, such as praise or a compliment, can bring up complex emotions because it conflicts with our deeply held beliefs about ourselves. The ones that are hard to admit sometimes – beliefs about our worth, value, and place in this world. What would it be like to slow down, notice and be curious about this reaction and the beliefs behind it? What if we could unpack the reasons these beliefs exist, and what they might have been protecting you from? True self-compassion and self-love may seem like a fantasy right now, but I believe that with time you will come to see that you are worth it.